Bruce Springsteen. Jon Bon Jovi. The Sopranos. New Jerseyians identify with their state the way Texans identify with their state. Versus in my case I'm not a "Pennsylvanian" I'm a "Philadelphia Suburbanian".
New Jersey is also one of the easiest states to get around - interstates seem to connect all the major points - just watch out for the traffic circles and jug handle turns. I swear you can't make a left hand turn anywhere in Jersey. I've never viewed Jersey from a tourist perspective. For me it's a place you simply go to the beach for a vacation because...well...that's what you do. There are literally people who's only vacations they take in their lifetime is heading "down the shore" every summer.
New Jersey is also one of the easiest states to get around - interstates seem to connect all the major points - just watch out for the traffic circles and jug handle turns. I swear you can't make a left hand turn anywhere in Jersey. I've never viewed Jersey from a tourist perspective. For me it's a place you simply go to the beach for a vacation because...well...that's what you do. There are literally people who's only vacations they take in their lifetime is heading "down the shore" every summer.