By geography the Middle East should be part of Asia but it's a region that seems all its own. It's always in the news, usually for unfortunate reasons, and it seems as though no one over here gets along. I have not been here enough to reach any definitive conclusions...but I have been here enough to want to visit a lot more places before coming back.
The personal hardship that people live through in this area of the world is astounding. It's a shame there is conflict in this part of the world because for thousands of years it was the world's epicenter. It has some of the most fascinating cultures, food, and historical civilizations. As soon as the conflict ends this part of the world will remain in the news but for all the right reasons. |
EGYPTThere was a brief window between the over throw of Hosni Mubarak and future elections where I thought I could make a quick journey to Egypt and see the Pyramids before everything went crazy. Unbeknownst to me there was a primary election occurring the week before I arrived and the protests were back in full swing. It was a long, long three days in Cairo.