I contend that Roxborough is Philadelphia’s most blue class, most Philadelphian neighborhood. I’ve loved living in Manayunk because of the proximity to this neighborhood. This neighborhood is a wonderful escape from the pretentious of Center City and once you’ve lived here it’s difficult to return to Center City and not feel like a bit of a snob. The ShopRite on Ridge Avenue is the ultimate grocery experience. The clientele is a great cross section of Philadelphia.
I think Roxborough represents America at its best. I understand why people want to live in remote places and enjoy nature. I understand why people want larger homes and bigger yards (maybe I don’t understand the bigger yard piece). But I also believe that individuals living close together creates more civic pride. I think it creates more cohesiveness among citizens. I think it creates an environment for the public working together to build quality schools, build infrastructure, and act as an incubator to innovate across industries. I think that Roxborough is the living environment we should be attempting to replicate as a nation and that the majority of citizens (90%+) would be happier living in this environment.
There's a spring (not sure if it has a name) and fall festival (Roxtoberfest) where a few blocks of Ridge Avenue from Leverington east to Green Street and beyond. It's a perfect size festival for the neighborhood and good event to get out and see your neighbors. There's a handful of food trucks and craft dealers. Grab a beer and walk around.
What Roxborough lacks in high end and fancy restaurants it makes up for with legendary local spots. From Dalessandro's (although this local prefers the shorter lines and smaller cheesesteaks at Barry's), to diners, to C&C Creamery, there's a little bit of everything. Greek. Tibetan. The best hoagies in the city at T&F. Roxborough has it.